Nude sex on hollow man 2
Nude sex on hollow man 2

nude sex on hollow man 2

The sequence is similarly alarming and brilliantly approached by Verhoeven. At work, he sexually assaults veterinarian Sarah (Kim Dickens). It is primal, violent, and thoroughly disturbing. Driven out of a desire to demystify the woman and assert his ownership of his body, Sebastian's act of violence is driven by a need to see her nude and is an urge he cannot put away. Not taking no for an answer, he quickly takes advantage of his invisibility and opts to rape her. Leering at a woman undressing in the apartment across from his in a disturbing act of voyeurism - in sequences that feel like a Verhoeven-led interpretation of Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window - Sebastian continuously is disheartened when she closes the blinds before revealing her nude body. Yet, Sebastian, as with many men who possess this dangerous toxic masculinity, believes that he is owed any woman's body. Now, with him invisible, it is only natural that he will continue to act on his belief that Linda belongs to him and nobody else. Linda is put in this position in the film via her connection to Sebastian before his invisibility. Verhoeven, like many male directors, is often obsessed with putting women in dangerous situations out of a fear that women in the world are in danger. In dream sequences, Linda imagines being raped by the invisible Sebastian and that is exactly the plight she must face. Thus, it is no surprise to see Verhoeven set the film up as being Sebastian versus Linda.

nude sex on hollow man 2

When he learns that she is dating co-worker Matt (Josh Brolin), his rage only becomes more pronounced. Yet, he never gives up the chase and continuously makes advances on her to try and make her "his" once more. Wishing to own Linda, Sebastian is immediately incensed when he sees another man in her bed when giving her the news about his initial breakthrough. Unfortunately for everyone else, Sebastian is a truly wicked man and a perfect portrait of toxic masculinity. Unfortunately for him, things go wrong and he stays invisible. Confident that his experiment will work on humans, he uses himself as the test subject.


Sebastian Caine (Bacon), is a brilliant scientist who discovers how to not just make animals invisible, but how to make them re-appear again. This thematic consideration is introduced quite early. It is unfortunate, then, that the rest of the film is so bland. Turning this heinous man into a compelling antagonist to protagonist Linda (Elisabeth Shue), Verhoeven makes this film one that is squarely about the dangers faced by women in a world dominated by men, their ambitions, and their potentially nefarious intentions with women. While Verhoeven himself claims that anybody could have directed Hollow Man - and he is right - few could have pulled off the antagonist of Hollow Man (Kevin Bacon) in the fashion that Verhoeven did.

nude sex on hollow man 2

Yet, as always, it is through a unique lens.

nude sex on hollow man 2

Hollow Man, unarguably his worst film, embodies all of these. Yet, as always, it is Throughout his career, Paul Verhoeven has been criticized for his film's rampant misogyny, violence against women (rape is a constant), and strong violence. Throughout his career, Paul Verhoeven has been criticized for his film's rampant misogyny, violence against women (rape is a constant), and strong violence.

Nude sex on hollow man 2